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J Star Maritime Limited

 J Star Maritime Ltd. is a Crewing Agency establised in 2017 and dedicated to provide to the Owners/Managers highly qualified fleet personnel in compliance with appropriate National and International Regulations and Standards.

 Our main activity is selection and recruitment of Masters, Officers and Ratings for most vessel types. Our base consist of more than 10 000 seafarers. We have agreements in place with Marine Academies of Kherson, Odesa and Kyiv, we offer pre-employment, shipowner-oriented training for the prospective crew members and we also support of the educators’ cadet training programmes with the framework of Junior Maritime Project, founded by seafarers for seafarers in 2017 on behalf of J Star Maritime Ltd.

 We are truly recognize the importance of competent human resources on board, in order to operate the vessel efficiently, safely and cost effectively. We pay maximum emphasize when screening Masters, Officers and Crew, scrutinize all personal documents and record of previous sea service thoroughly. Reference check with previous employers are made for performance records.

 Highly Experienced Team conduct stringent interview to assess the professional ability, attitude, personality, communication skill and compatibility with multinational crew, emphasize on finding the right candidate for right job.

 Our Quality Policy to ensure that each vessel is manned with Qualified, Certified and Medically fit seafarers, able to maintain operating levels on High Standards at all times.

Own Database
Crew Data Management

 Highly Experienced Team conduct stringent interview to assess the professional ability, attitude, personality, communication skill and compatibility with multinational crew, emphasize on finding the right candidate for right job.

Emphasize Screening

 Selection are carrying out in accordance with Owner/Manager request – experience in rank, seagoing experience on particular type of the vessels, age, DWT, type of the main engine, trading area and other preferences.

Full Assistance & Support

 We grant the required assistance to Crew members concerning the Flag State documents arrangements; visa/tickets; medical and drug examination along with required or specific courses and tests before joining the vessels.

 We provide full assistance and update to Crewmembers with their documents, i.e. renewal / extension if any to be ready for the next employment. 

Vacation Planning
Trainings & Sections

 J Star Maritime Ltd. creates a pool with the same seafarers for  re-employment. Crew is kept updated and always ready to the new contract upon Owners / Managers request.

 While on vacation we provide a wide range of specific courses and sections under SOLAS, Code of Safe Working Practices and IMO guidelines.

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